Consignment items are a low-risk way to elevate nonprofit auctions with high-value packages like luxury vacations and exclusive experiences. Learn how these unique offerings can maximize bidder excitement, streamline procurement, and boost your fundraising efforts.
A case for support can help your nonprofit inspire generosity and produce amazing fundraising results. Use this guide to create a compelling case for support.
Without engaged staff members, your nonprofit would have a harder time working toward its mission. Learn the top stress relief tips to keep staff members happy.
Your school needs a predictable flow of revenue to enrich your students’ experience. Explore these top fundraising ideas to save money and boost your ROI.
Major gifts provide the bulk of fundraising revenue for most nonprofit organizations. Follow these five best practices to secure more major gifts this year.
Running concurrent fundraising projects can help your organization maximize its resources and gather increased support. Read for our top concurrent ideas.
Explore the impact of hybrid work on nonprofit organizations, uncovering opportunities and challenges. We’ll also cover some strategies for hybrid work success.
Sending surveys to ask for donors’ feedback helps you build relationships, learn more about your donors, and retain them. Hear are four survey strategies to use.
Risk management is vital for your nonprofit to plan for growth and avoid negative impacts. Review these five frequently asked questions before you get started.
Your nonprofit’s CRM is the foundation of your technology stack. Before you dive into implementing a new CRM, learn what to do to get on the right track.
Nonprofits should thank donors in ways that resonate, which often means going digital. Bring your donor acknowledgment into the digital age with these tech-focused tips.
Nonprofit bylaws provide a strong foundation that facilitates nonprofit growth. Learn how effective bylaws can impact your nonprofit’s growth in this guide.
Thoughtful member event planning can go a long way toward keeping members engaged. Explore four events your members appreciate and tips for planning them.