Consignment items are a low-risk way to elevate nonprofit auctions with high-value packages like luxury vacations and exclusive experiences. Learn how these unique offerings can maximize bidder excitement, streamline procurement, and boost your fundraising efforts.
Fraud doesn’t have to be your worst nightmare. With these techniques, your nonprofit can prevent fraud and easily manage scams that slip through the cracks.
Discover how your business can leverage corporate philanthropy to increase employee engagement, secure customer loyalty, and positively promote your brand.
How can you convert volunteers into donors? What can you do to keep them passionate and on board with your cause while reaching into their pockets for even a small donation? Let’s cover a few practical tips that can make a difference with your volunteers, and keep your organization growing.
Your annual campaign makes it possible for you to keep your doors open, and your board has a responsibility to contribute. Learn tips to secure their gifts.
After conducting data research, it’s time to put your insights into action. Here are five ideas for kickstarting your next data-driven marketing campaign.
Many nonprofits rely on in-kind donations from generous supporters. Find out how to record and report these unique donations for your nonprofit tax returns.
School-associated organizations need well-crafted websites to reach supporters and enable online interactions. Use these tips to create an effective website.
If you want to set your nonprofit website up for long-term success, taking a continuous improvement approach is your best bet. Find out why and how here.
Making the most of your organization’s Google Ad Grant across multiple fundraising platforms is crucial to reaching your engagement goals. Here’s how nonprofits of all sizes can diversify their revenue streams and specifically maximize the impact of their Google Grants.